Getting new tech is so exciting! It promises to make everyone more efficient, happier, and gives us a competitive edge. It’s important to keep up in today’s tech-driven business world. But things can go wrong if we forget about two important things: training our team and managing change. If our team can’t use the new technology, it could end up costing us money. When they struggle with their tools, it leads to lower productivity, more mistakes, and can affect customer service. Let’s explore some common tech issues our team might face and how to solve them.

Lack of Technology Training

Imagine investing in a top-of-the-line CRM system, only to see your sales team struggle instead of excel. You expected the CRM to make their jobs easier, but they can’t find key features, struggle with data entry, and miss deadlines. Why? Because they haven’t been properly trained on the new software. This scenario plays out in countless businesses and leads to significant costs.

Lost Productivity

“Employees who are struggling with unfamiliar technology can lose valuable work time. If your team is unable to process orders or generate reports because they lack training on the new CRM system, it could result in missed sales opportunities.

Costly Errors

Confusion and frustration lead to errors, requiring time and money to fix. This impacts budgets and damages client relationships.

Demotivation and Resistance

Dealing with a new system can be quite discouraging. Untrained employees may be reluctant to use it at all. They may prefer to stick to old, familiar methods. This can slow down the adoption of the new technology and cancel out its benefits.

Failing to Manage the Change

When new technology is introduced, it can disrupt workflows within an organization. Without proper change management, employees may feel overwhelmed and insecure. Change management involves addressing the “human” side of change by helping employees understand the reasons for the changes and by providing the necessary training, support, and engagement to help them transition successfully.

Research indicates that organizations implementing change management are 67% more likely to achieve their desired project outcomes.

When companies neglect change management, the following can happen.

Low Morale

Change can be quite stressful for employees, often leaving them feeling undervalued and disoriented, particularly when clear communication and support are lacking during the transition. This can result in low morale and a negative work environment.

Shadow IT

It’s important to note that employees may believe that the new system does not meet their requirements. This perception could lead them to use unauthorized tools, which is commonly referred to as “shadow IT.” This unauthorized usage can pose security risks and weaken the impact of the investment made in the new technology.

Resistance to Future Improvements

A negative experience with a tech rollout can make employees wary of future changes. This can hinder innovation as well as make it difficult for the company to adapt to evolving market trends. Without change management, employees tend to get “change fatigue.” This can make them less productive.

Building a Bridge to Success

The key to realizing the full potential of new technology? It comes down to effective training and change management. Here’s how to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the benefits of your tech.

Invest in Comprehensive Training

Don’t consider training as an afterthought. While some tools claim to be easy to use, it’s important to remember that people have varying levels of tech literacy. While some individuals might grasp things quickly, many others won’t. Targeted training on a business application is irreplaceable.

Develop a customized training program that goes beyond basic features. This should include video tutorials, hands-on workshops, and ongoing support resources. This will help everyone feel at ease using the new tools.

Focus on User Adoption, Not Just Features

Training should not only explain how the software works, but also emphasize how the new system will benefit employees in their daily tasks and improve workflow efficiency. If employees do not adopt the technology well, the full benefits of the system will not be realized.

Embrace Change Management

It is crucial to clearly communicate the “why” behind the change. The new technology will undoubtedly make everyone’s jobs easier and ultimately benefit the company as a whole. Throughout the transition, it’s important to encourage open communication and proactively address any concerns that may arise.

The Takeaway

New technology is an incredibly powerful tool, and its true value lies in its users. It is crucial to prioritize employee training and change management to effectively bridge the gap between implementing a new system and realizing a substantial return on investment. Empower your employees with thorough training and the right tools, and they will become your secret weapon, driving increased efficiency, high morale, and a competitive edge. With proper training, your tech upgrade will not become a financial burden.

Need Help With Technology Training?

Improving efficiency and productivity is a common aim of technology transformations. Our team specializes in helping organizations achieve their tech goals through customized staff training. We can create training programs and provide support specific to your organization’s needs, empowering your team to effectively utilize both new technologies and existing tools.

If you’re ready to explore a personalized tech training plan for your staff, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to provide more information and discuss how we can assist your organization.