Why Businesses Need Email Authentication?!

Are you catching wind of email authentication more often these days? There’s a good reason for that. Phishing scams set stone as one of the top security threats. It’s been causing data breaches and security incidents for a while now. Email authentication is now a must for service providers to tackle these scams. This change is crucial for your online presence and communication.

Google and Yahoo, two of the biggest email providers, have rolled out a new DMARC policy since February 2024. This policy makes email authentication essential for businesses using Gmail and Yahoo Mail.

But what is DMARC, and why is it suddenly so important? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Let’s dive into the world of email authentication and figure out why it’s more critical than ever for your business no matter the size.

The Email Spoofing Problem

Imagine this: You receive an urgent email from your favorite online store asking you to verify your account details. You click on a link, enter your information, and suddenly your data is compromised. This is a serious threat known as email spoofing, where scammers manipulate their email addresses to appear as if they are from trusted sources. They use this technique to deceive individuals into thinking that the emails are authentic.
The repercussions of falling victim to email spoofing can be severe and include:

  • Damage to the company’s reputation
  •  Financial losses
  • Data breaches
  • Loss of future business and opportunities

Sadly, email spoofing is becoming increasingly common, making email authentication an essential defense measure.

What is Email Authentication?

Email authentication is a method used to verify the legitimacy of an email. This involves authenticating the email server and identifying any unauthorized use of a company’s domain. Email authentication relies on three key protocols, each serving a specific purpose:

  • SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Records the IP addresses authorized to send email for a domain.
  • DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail): Enables domain owners to digitally “sign” emails, providing legitimacy verification.
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance): Provides instructions to a receiving email server, including how to handle the results of SPF and DKIM checks. It also notifies domain owners if their domain is being impersonated.

SPF and DKIM are solid first steps, but DMARC takes email security to the next level. It’s crucial to prevent scammers from hijacking your domain name in spoofing attacks.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Setting Up DMARC: You add a DMARC record to your domain server settings. This record tells email receivers (like Google and Yahoo) which IP addresses are authorized to send emails on your behalf.
  2. Email Inspection: When you send an email, the receiver’s mail server checks if it’s from an authorized sender.
  3. DMARC Policy Action: Depending on your DMARC policy, the receiver can deliver, reject, or quarantine the email.
  4. Reporting: You receive reports from DMARC authentication. These reports inform you whether your business emails are being successfully delivered and if scammers are attempting to spoof your domain.

The Importance of Google & Yahoo’s New DMARC Policy

Both Google and Yahoo have implemented some level of spam filtering but did not strictly enforce DMARC policies. The new DMARC policy sets a higher standard for email security. The new rule came into effect in February 2024. It mandates that businesses sending over 5,000 emails daily must-have DMARC implemented. Both companies also have policies for those sending fewer emails, relating to SPF and DKIM authentication. Email authentication requirements are expected to continue, so it is important to pay attention to ensure the smooth delivery of your business email.

Advantages of Implementing DMARC

Implementing DMARC isn’t just about checking off compliance boxes. It brings a host of benefits to your business:

  • Safeguards Your Brand Reputation: By blocking email spoofing scams, DMARC protects your brand image and maintains customer trust.
  • Enhances Email Deliverability: Proper email authentication ensures that your legitimate emails reach recipients’ inboxes rather than getting caught in spam filters.
  • Delivers Valuable Insights: DMARC reports provide detailed data on how your emails are treated by different receivers. This visibility helps you spot potential issues and strengthens your email security

How to Put DMARC in Place

Implementing DMARC is crucial now, especially considering the increasing email security concerns related to email spoofing. Here are the steps to get started:

  • Understand your DMARC options.
  • Consult with your IT team or IT security provider.
  • Regularly track and make adjustments.

Need Help with Email Authentication?

Maximizing email security is essential in today’s digital landscape, and DMARC is just one component of the solution. Implementing email authentication is crucial for robust protection. Straten Solutions is your trusted partner in putting these essential protocols in place. Contact us today to schedule a call and ensure your email security is airtight.