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Data Tools
Backup and recovery

Why Backup & Recovery.

Is your business prepared for the unexpected? Don’t leave your critical data at risk of loss or damage. At Straten Solutions, our team of experts will work with you to design a customized backup and disaster recovery plan that fits your specific needs and budget.

With our data backup service, you can be assured that your business operations will continue uninterrupted. So don’t wait until it’s too late – make data backup a top priority for your business today.

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Let's Provide You With The Right Backup Solution

Benefits of Backup & Recovery

Copy Of Critical Files

By regularly backing up your business data, you can ensure that your critical information is safe and secure, and ready to deploy.

Customer Trust

With a good backup & recovery system, you can have a strong Plan B if Data loss occurs, giving you a safey net to fall back on

Maintaining Compliance

Storing your organizational data is necessary under data privacy regulations, where improper handling can occur fines.